Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Time to fire up the old blog...

I had to heed Scott McLeod's call to name the education lies we have yet to overcome.

5 Things We Need to Stop Pretending:

  1. That the curriculum we have identified is the right one.  There's so much more to learn than what we currently value in school. 
  2. That kids won't work if they don't receive grades.  Feedback doesn't have to be in the form of a score.
  3. That field trips and other learning out of the classroom are a "loss of class time."  Aren't they learning from the real world?
  4. That kids can't, don't, won't...direct their own learning.  They might, if we let them.
  5. That this divide is untouchable:  elementary teachers teach kids and secondary teachers teach content.  This statement is only as true as we allow it to be.  If secondary teachers taught more like elementary teachers, we might have more joyful, curious, independent students.
There are more, but I'll stick to the 5-item challenge!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

I've Been Blogging Somewhere Else!

I haven't been writing on this blog much this year...but I've been busy creating, moderating, and occasionally posting on my class blog.  It's all about my Small Business Startup class and how the kids are doing. Take a look at it--follow our progress there for the rest of the school year!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Infographics Revisited

Several years ago I wrote a post about infographic creation tools. I have been creating infographics ever since as a loyal easel.ly user   Yesterday I decided to try a personal infographic generator, visualize.me, to see how it can bring a resume into the 21st century. I'm still playing with the format and the content, but it seems to be a nice way to capture the traditional elements of a resume in a more graphic way.

See my "infographic resume" here.